5. Personal Branding-presence online

To be honest I never really thought of using social media for a professional purpose because I always thought it was just a place where your friends and family would share funny posts or pictures of trips abroad etc. I had never really thought about using it as a tool for professional networking.

When I think of it now it actually would make a lot of sense to use social media as a platform to get yourself out there and show potential employers your personality, work etc. Since nowadays almost everyone uses some form of social media it would make sense to advertise yourself as you would like your employer or colleagues to see. It says a lot I think when someone does not like the thought of having their colleagues on their social media, I think this could come from a bit of insecurity that they don’t want them  to see anything they are putting out there. Then again sometimes it can be a bad idea say if you were to randomly decide to go out for a drink and end up calling in ‘sick’ the next day, meanwhile you forget you have your boss and colleagues on Snapchat and other forms of social media! So at times I think being reckless about how you portray yourself on social media can be dangerous, but as long as you are professional and cautious about what you share online then I think using social media for a professional purpose is a great idea.

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